Richard Goldinger
Richard Goldinger is a lifelong resident of Butler County. He is a graduate of Butler High School, the University of Pittsburgh, and The University of Akron School of Law.
After graduation in 1995, he began practicing law with his father, Richard E. Goldinger, where he focused on criminal, family, and civil law.
In 2007, he was elected District Attorney of Butler County. He has been re-elected to that position in 2011, 2015, and 2019.
Rich wants to be your next Common Pleas Judge in Butler County. He has proudly served as Butler County’s District Attorney for the last thirteen years and is prepared to take the step to serve as your Judge.
During his private practice, Rich litigated criminal jury trials, civil jury trials, and civil arbitrations.
Litigated child custody trials, representing both mothers and fathers in these proceedings.
Personally prosecuted murders, drug dealers, drunk drivers, and other criminal offenses.
Has over twenty-five (25) years of litigation experience in the Courtroom.
As District Attorney, has made tough decisions that affect people’s live every day.
Former President of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association
Current President of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute
Former Chair of the Criminal Justice Advisory Board
Former Chair of the Butler County Commissioner’s Council on Drugs and Alcohol
Former Chair of the Local Policy Board on Domestic Violence
Vice-Chair, Butler County Prison Board
Former member, Butler County Family YMCA Board Manager
Initiated “Not In My Backyard” where his office sought stiff prison sentences for drug dealers.
Created a DUI protocol for police to take steps for repeat DUI offenders to be placed under immediate court supervision and prevent further offenses.
Started zero-tolerance policy for offenses involving threats of violence toward our schools. Initiated the Butler County Medication Drop Box program which provides an avenue for citizens to dispose of unused or unwanted medications and thus removing these drugs from our streets.
Assisted in creating specialty treatment courts that provide more intense supervision and treatment for drug offenders, struggling veterans, and those with mental health issues.
Assisted with the creation of Butler’s child advocacy center.
Assisted with creating the Elder Abuse Task Force in Butler County.​